CubeMatch won “Best Employer Award” at the Europe FinTech Awards

The Europe FinTech Awards is an annual celebration of the incredible European fintech community, culminating in a ceremony in London on 11th July 2024. CubeMatch is proud to have received recognition for its ongoing commitment to powering a positive and supportive work environment for its employees.

CubeMatch has a multi-faceted approach to its employees’ professional development and strives to Power Change not only for its clients but for its teams, society, across EDI and ESG.

// Some of the ways CubeMatch does this:

  • Last year, CubeMatch became an early signatory to Ireland’s Women in Finance Charter, a commitment to achieve greater gender inclusivity and balance across all levels.
  • CubeMatch is an annual participant in IBEC’s National Workplace Wellbeing Day.
  • CubeMatch was awarded a Silver Eco Vadis Medal for Sustainability, Environment, Ethics and Rights.
  • CubeMatch prioritises its EDI statement, emphasising it regularly.
  • CubeMatch collaborates with partners such as Women Returners and Women ReBOOT, to assist individuals returning to work after a hiatus and address gender disparities.
  • CubeMatch collaborates with Irish Women in Finance Charter, IMI, Skillnet and 30% Club to develop future female leaders.
  • CubeMatch is open to listening and providing support for employee initiatives.
  • CubeMatch offers formal mentorship and coaching alongside external coaches to ensure consistent support and growth.

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